Los skatepunks de Ontario, Canadá, Handheld, lanzan hoy un nuevo sencillo llamado “Once Again” para celebrar el 25 aniversario de la banda. La canción fue lanzada inicialmente como ONCE en su álbum debut “HOMEBREW” en 1998.

Esto es lo que Andy Dietrich de Handheld tiene que decir:

En 1998, unos chicos de la escuela secundaria formaron una banda de punk rock. Una de las primeras canciones que grabaron se llamó “Once”, que se convirtió en la primera canción de su disco debut. Fue una instantánea de los sueños y aspiraciones de la juventud. Un avance rápido hasta el día de hoy, y Handheld ha revisado esa pista icónica con un giro retrospectivo que toca la fibra sensible. El paso del tiempo ha añadido capas de profundidad y emoción, convirtiendo lo que alguna vez fue un himno esperanzador en un conmovedor viaje a través de los años. O algo así…


We know today
It’s hard to make it
Nobody knows this like me
Like we really cared
Why can’t they all see what’s important?
Popularity was never in our minds
We just wanted to share
Back in the day we took a chance
We took the stage and we were okay
We didn’t care, we just wanted to play
Sometimes we sucked and we made some mistakes
Maybe they’ll like us, maybe they won’t
But do you think I care? I don’t
Somebody out there has got to see
What this music means to me
There was no record deal
Just some kids being real
The best nights were spent at the old band hall
(Upstairs on Queen)
Basement shows, sleeping on floors
Empty dive bars were the norm
There was always something new
Like the london alleyway brawl
Then the next trend came into play
And we were out like the ones before us
We kept on going, it’s what we did best
We kept on playing with no regret
Maybe they’ll like us, maybe they won’t
But do you think I care? I don’t
Didn’t know at the time, but now I can see
What the music meant to me
God Damn we’re proud
More like back, than still around
After all this time we’re still having fun
Some might think that we are wrong
that we’re still bother to caring on
At this point we’ll just go until we’re dead
We still don’t have to prove anything
We still only play what we want
We still don’t answer to nobody (except wives)
We only have what we got
Maybe they’ll like us, maybe they won’t
Do you think we cared? Hell no!
20 years later, I hope you can see
What this music means… the first song
we recorded was once
Once again we record once again
But this time the song takes a long look back
The first version looked forward as kids
And after all the time, and a long break,
the meaning behind the song still remains
The question asked what the music meant, can be answered now simple and plain
It means friends, and good times
Even though we are a bit past our prime
It’s means retelling the stories time and again
It means the inside jokes only we only we understand
The impact we left in the grand scheme was small
And we wouldn’t change a single thing at all
Cause right from the start we made the music
And the music made us who we are


Grabado por: Pat Dietrich
Mezclado por: Pat Dietrich
Producido por: Pat Dietrich
Masterizado por: John Harcus
Ilustraciones de: Pat Dietrich